If you know me, you know I love volunteering, which you can read more about here. This is why I am SO excited to be certified with Wigs for Kids!
Volunteering with Wigs for Kids means that now I am able to help kids with hair loss live happy lives and feel more confident! I can take custom measurements and map out a hairpiece (AKA a wig) for a child in need. I’m so excited to help these kids gain self confidence and self esteem. Hopefully I get some curly kids!
After I take measurements of the child’s head we then decide the right style and haircolor that will fit them best. Then we send the info into “Wigs for Kids” and they make a custom wig off my measurements.
Did you know it can take 20-30 donations (from wonderful people like you) of hair to make one wig?
Do you know a child in need? Have them contact Wigs for Kids for this free and life changing opportunity.
P.S. This service is completely free to the child. I’m volunteering my time and “Wigs For Kids” donates the wig.
Carleen Sanchez Curl & Color Expert
1002 Broadway Blvd, Reno, NV 89502