So you think you have the wavy styling thing down but you keep ending up with frizzy wavy hair and you’re not sure where you went wrong? My biggest problem when I started this curly journey was that I couldn’t stop touching my hair while it was in the drying phase,
AKA I was the “Crazy lady with gel crunchy looking hair.” I kept having to move it around or I would try to scrunch it while it was drying with the diffusor or my hands to make it curlier. I had to learn the most important lesson in the drying phase: LEAVE IT ALONE!
Now, after I get out of the shower I “Plop or Plunk ” my hair on the top of my head with a t-shirt or scarf for 20 or so minutes.

This allows the gel and other magical products I put on my hair in the shower to start to dry and create a soft damp crystallized “Gel Cast”. It also keeps my wet hair off my shoulders and my hands out of it. (BONUS TIP: If I am lying in bed with my boyfriend at this point he wont keep feeling creepy wet hair.)
I then let my hair down after 20 or so minutes. I clip my roots for volume and to allow my scalp to dry faster. I either air dry the rest of the way or diffuse with a dryer on medium heat. If you see hairs flying about at this stage, turn your dryer down.
At this point I have a much harder “Gel Cast ” since my hair is completely dry. This is when I “scrunch out the crunch.” Using my hands I scrunch my dry curls the same way I applied product in the shower to curl it up and I also mini massage my scalp to increase volume and enhance my waves. And BAM, no more frizzy wavy hair!
This leaves me with the natural waves I was born with and I love.
Carleen Sanchez Curl & Color Expert
1002 Broadway Blvd, Reno, NV 89502