I had NO idea that I was a blessed with curly hair, I just needed to learn how to nurture it. I had spent so much of my life with what I called frizzy hair, 80’s rockband hair, dried, fried, and petrified hair.
I spent 34 years of my life struggling to find the perfect cut and style for my unmanageable hair. I found myself never being truly happy beyond the one day it was cut and styled by the hairdresser. I had resigned myself to the flat iron and spending hours of my life as a slave to it.
You might right now be thinking “You are a hair-designer, don’t you even KNOW your own hair?'” Nope, they do not teach you how to truly love and care for naturally curly hair in beauty school. They teach you to blowdry it and straighten it before you cut or color it (such terrible education).
I had played around with “curly hair products and a diffuser” and always kinda liked what I saw but was usually put down by my family or loved ones who were used to the very fake, prim and proper, blowout with a curling iron finish. Now, I’ve put together a list of my favorite products.
When the keratin treatments to straighten and smooth your hair came out, I was first in line, burning, breaking and frying my hair with over 400 degrees of heat pulled repeatedly and slowly down each precious strand of hair. No wonder I couldn’t grow it past my shoulders. it ALWAYS looked like it needed an inch or more cut off.
Two years ago I said enough is enough, I decided to learn the Curly Girl method and see what would happen. Day by Day and month by month my hair transformed. It went from barely a bend to juicy waves and curls. No need for curling irons or hours of my life wasted.

I think having this curl suffocating past is crucial to why I can help other curly and wavy people of the world learn unconditional love for themselves and their curls.
I love my hair now in its natural and free wavy/curly state I no longer wish for straight hair. Now my hair styling life is easy and filled with great hair days and the super long mermaid hair I have always wanted.
I celebrate my uniqueness and I cant stand the thought of another person walking around another day with negative thoughts about the gift of texture and wave and curl they have on their head.
Now I am in the part of my journey where I literally feel like a Curl Missionary. Every curly or wavy or frizzy head of hair I see I want to reach out and love them, celebrate them, tell them they are special and that I want to help them.
How I am trying to help the world love their curls. I can only physically serve 175 guests in my private, organic, Curly hair boutique salon in Reno, Nevada. So I have taken it upon myself to train and share my skills with the world through mentoring carefully selected licensed passionate Cosmetologists through my 1000 hour paid mentorship program and teaching hairstylists at International education events to spread the Curl Love and Knowledge. I also post videos on my YouTube channel and this blog to help reach and educate curly people of the world.
Carleen Sanchez Curl & Color Expert
1002 Broadway Blvd, Reno, NV 89502