As a business owner, a lot of my time and energy comes from running the salon and my team. However, whenever I can, I try to volunteer at a charity event. It not only helps me get connected with my community, but makes me feel great! Here are three reasons why you should volunteer as a business owner.
1. Makes you happy!
I love helping others and giving back. It increases feel good endorphin’s and generally lifts your mood. There are so many different organizations and non-profits that need volunteers ready to get involved. Find local volunteer opportunities at

2. Make new friends!
Other people volunteering for the greater good usually tend to be nice. Introduce yourself and make a new friend. As a business owner, volunteering at a charity event is a way to spread your name in the community and get to know the community you serve better.
3. You make a difference!
The money or time your donating can be really life changing. You are super wonderful and fabulous for helping the world be a better place! While running my business requires a lot of time and energy, giving back to my community through volunteering is something I love to do.
Carleen Sanchez Curl & Color Expert
1002 Broadway Blvd, Reno, NV 89502